Welcome to The Mighty Pen

World History & Essay Writing

Great discoveries (lots of gold!). Great inventions (penicillin!). Great disasters (smallpox!). Great conflict (more wars than I can list!). The world after 1500 was full of changes that brought everyone closer together, creating synergy as people shared ideas AND creating conflict as they all struggled to share resources.

In this class, you’ll study great men and women who changed the world – for better or for worse – with their ideas and their actions. You’ll also spend time researching and sharing information that interests you about different periods of modern world history.

In addition, one of the greatest ways to create change is through great writing. So we will also focus on what makes great writing – specifically how to structure an essay so that your writing is clear and coherent and how to write creatively. You’ll also learn more about the mechanics of writing, including grammar and punctuation.

Full of activities and games, great discussions and quiet reflection — this class will possibly even create great change in you!